Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sautéed vegetables with quinoa and walnut crêpe.

Time : 31 minutes

Ingredient for one person

Pasta :
100g of flour
50g of water

Crêpe :
5 walnuts (or other nuts if you prefer)
3 tablespoons of flour
A few spoons of soya milk (or other cereal milk)
1/2 tablespoon of starch (tapioca, potato, maize, as you wish...)
A bit of vegetable oil

Vegetables :
Soya sauce (Shoyu or tamari or if you want it it sweet, kecap manis and so on)
1 onion
A few garlic cloves
3 tablespoons of quinoa
Black pepper
1 piece of fresh ginger
1 lettuce leaf (I used iceberg lettuce)


If you have no time, skip the first part and buy some pasta. :)
Pour the flour in a bowl, add a few pinches of salt, slowly add water until the dough becomes smooth and doesn't stick too much. Leave it in a cool place while preparing the other parts of the recipe. When time comes to cook them, flatten the dough slice it in small pieces (or rasp it) and boil them.

Boil the quinoa with a bit of water (many people rinse the quinoa before boiling it, I never do so), once ready, add some turmeric and soya sauce, mix, serve it on the lettuce leaf.

Meanwhile, chop a piece of leek, a piece of fennel, one onion and some garlic cloves, ginger, stir-fry them, add in the end some soya sauce, paprika powder, black pepper, turmeric and the pasta (or noodles if you wish), mix, it's ready.

For the crêpe : pour the starch flour, a pinch of salt and a pinch of nutmeg in a bowl and small pieces of walnuts, slowly add the soya milk (if you have no cereal milk, water is fine too) while mixing until the dough is more or less like a paste, a bit liquid but not watery.
Fry in a very hot pan with a bit of oil.

You can eat now !

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